Whether your event is generating revenue for your business, or represents a significant line item in your marketing budget, rigorous budgeting and cost management is always essential. We have extensive experience in negotiation with all event suppliers before finalising the budget, to ensure that no surprises in the event expenses occur. We can provide regular forecasts in the build up to the event in any format your Accounts team requires. All supplier invoices are pre-approved by us before being passed to the host organisation for payment and us operates with full financial transparency in terms of supplier arrangements. We provide detailed quotes from all suppliers during the budgeting process.
Project meetings, or status reports are typically scheduled at 2 weekly intervals from project launch till 8 weeks out from the event, when project meetings and reports move to a weekly, or as needed schedule. Meetings and reporting can be in the form of conference call, in person, or by email to meet the needs of the client. We believe that the most effective reporting lies in agreeing the key metrics you need at the beginning of the project, reporting on those metrics, raising issues that may impact those metrics and offering solutions at the same time as raising red flags so that meetings are focused and productive.